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School of Geographical Sciences

date:2024-05-31 source: author:


The School of Geographical Sciences (SGS) originated from the Department of Climatology established by Nanjing Institute of Meteorology in 1960. Over years of construction and development, the School of Remote Sensing was established in 2006 and renamed as the School of Geography and Remote Sensing in 2014. From November 2017, the School of Geographical Sciences operates independently with three bachelor’s majors of Physical Geography & Resource Environment, Human Geography & Urban and Rural Planning, and Geographic Information Science (GIS) , two master’s degrees of Geography, and 3S Integration and Meteorological Application, and two PhD degrees of 3S Integration and Meteorological Application, and Surface Layer & Process.

SGS has a fine environment and advanced facilities for teaching and research. Several research institutions have been established here, such as the “National Space Infrastructure- Nanjing Authenticity Inspection Station” , the “Remote Sensing based National Engineering Lab- Nanjing Research Center” , Jiangsu Engineering Research Center for Intelligent Applications of Geographical Big Data, Jiangsu Ecological Environment and Green Development Institute, Disaster Risk Management Research Institute, Land Science Research Center and “Belt and Road” Research Center for Urban Sustainable Development, 3S Integration and Meteorological Application Laboratory, GIS Technology And Application Laboratory, Jiangsu Remote Sensing Application Experimental Teaching Center, etc.